Anschlussausrüstung - Elpress Cu-tube terminal krf50-12 50mm2 m12 - 7301-013800
Waren-Nr.: 2763496

Elpress Cu-tube terminal krf50-12 50mm2 m12

Cobber tube terminal KRF50-12Material: Cu 99,95%, tin plated.For 50mm2 stranded (class 2) and flexible (class 5+6) Cu-conductors acc. IEC60228. Palm M12.With inspection hole.Recommended tool: PVL350, V600, V1300, V250.Die no. 14,5.

23,53 € 19,77 € exkl. MwSt.
Günstigste Versandoption 4,99 €
Verfügbar - 2-4 Werktage Lieferzeit

Cu-tube cable lug KRF50-12, 50mm2 M12Product description: Copper tube cable lug KRF50-12Material: Cu 99.95%, tinned.For 50mm2 stranded (class 2) and multi-stranded (class 5+6) Cu conductors according to IEC60228. With M12 bolt.With inspection hole. Recommended tools: PVL350, V600, V1300, V250.Part number: 14.5 Technical specifications:Package size:100Bolt:M12 Lenght(L):53 Diameter(D):14.5


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