Philips Hue Outdoor Daylo Wandleuchte - Inox
Outdoor-Wandleuchte, LED, 15 W, 1050 lumens, 16 Millionen Farben, wird mit einem Smartgerät über die Hue Bridge (nicht im Lieferumfang enthalten) gesteuert. Lebensdauer bis zu 25.000 Stunden, 7,6 x 22 x 22 cm, inox
Daylo is a new, circular Outdoor light from Philips Hue. The simple, yet effective design makes this lamp fit in on practically any home, new as old. With the help of 16 million lights you can individually decide just how the house should look like, for example what color the lights you want depending on mood, event or holiday. The luminaire is both IP44 which means that it is protected against splashing water and sits on a long-lasting life span which makes this not only a beautiful light but also a climate conscious choice which will get you the best experience possible when it comes to outdoor lighting. If you buy an accompanied Motion Sensor you even get an extra sense of security. The luminaire turns on or off depending on when you leave or entering the house. You can even set a timer that controls when the lights should go on or off at any given time, set or randomized through an app on your phone or tablet.
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