Smart-Home - Philio Tech Philio 3 in 1 Sensor - PHI_PST02-1B
Waren-Nr.: 2637994

Philio Tech Philio 3 in 1 Sensor

Der Z-Wave Plus 3 in 1 Sensor ist mit drei Detektionssensoren ausgestattet: 1. PIR/Bewegung, 2. Temperatur und 3. Beleuchtung. Dieser Detektor kann als Sicherheitsgerät genutzt werden...

44,99 € 37,81 € exkl. MwSt.
Günstigste Versandoption 4,99 €
Bestellware - 6-8 Tage Lieferzeit

The Z-Wave Plus 3 in 1 sensor has three detection sensors: PIR/Motion, temperature, and illumination. It can be used as a security device or home automation device. When used with security appliances, it detects changes in infra-red radiation levels and triggers an alarm if a person moves within its field of vision. At night, it can also trigger connected lighting for better illumination. The sensor sends temperature and illumination values every time the PIR is triggered or when there is a change in temperature. Note that the illumination sensor does not work with Fibaro Homecenter 2 and Zipabox yet. The device can accept secure commands and send them to other devices on single or double clicks of the rocker button, which can be defined in configuration parameters and association groups.


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