Schaltkästen und Schränke - ELDON Wall mounted 400x600x210 - MAS0406021R5
Waren-Nr.: 2757496

ELDON Wall mounted 400x600x210

An der Wand befestigt, 400x600x210, Kompaktgehäuse, 1 Tür, mit MP, aus Stahlblech, IP66

162,61 € 136,65 € exkl. MwSt.
Günstigste Versandoption 4,99 €
Verfügbar - 2-4 Werktage Lieferzeit

Wall cabinet 400x600x210 MAS0406021R5 Product description: Material: Cabinet: 1.2 mm painted steel for cabinets with a depth of 155 mm / 1.4 mm for cabinets with a depth of 210 or 260 mm / 1.5 mm for cabinets with a depth of 300 or 400 mm, or if the height or width is greater than1000mm. Flange:1.4mm painted steel.Door:1.2mm painted steel/1.5mm for cabinets with a height or width of500mmor more/2m mfor cabinetswithaheightorwidthof800m morabove.Mounting plate:2m mgalvanizedsteel.Cabinet:Folded and fully welded.Four holes8 .5mmdiameterforwallmounting,pressedinto20 .4mmdiameter x2mmmachinedrecessesforaircirculationbehindthebackofthecabinet.Door :130°opening.Hiddenremovablehingeswithsecuredhinge pin.Hinges can be mounted for left- or right-hand opening.From size MAS0604015 and above, there are two removable mounting profiles in the door.Secure seal with one-piece foamed polyurethane gasket.Externally mountedwith130°opening.Hiddenremovable hingeswith securedpin.Hinges can be mountedforleftorright-hand opening.Fromheight300mma ndabove,studsareprovidedtomountMMDPdoorprofiles,andfromheight600and above,internaldoorprofilesareincludedasstandard.One-piecepolyurethanegasket.Lock:Cust omizedlockswithDINlocksforeasyopeningofthedoor.DIN3mmcylinderand90°movement.Cabinets1000mmmhighandabovehaveathree-pointespagnoletlocking.Otherinsertsareavailableasaccessories.Mountingplate:The mounting plate is marked vertically at 10 mm intervals for easy horizontal positioning of equipment.There are holes at the top and bottom for cable fastening. Welded to M8 screws on the back wall of the cabinet.All sides from 800mm and above are reinforced with folded edges.When using AMG accessories, the position of the mounting plate can be adjusted to any depth.Flange opening:Located atthe very backofthecabinettofacilitatecablingonthe mountingplate.Degreeofprotection:In accordancewithIP66.


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