Schaltkästen und Schränke - ELDON Plinth front/ rear 200x1200 - PF2120
Waren-Nr.: 2757059

ELDON Plinth front/ rear 200x1200

Plinthenfront/-rückseite, 200x1200, Baustahl, RAL7022

141,01 € 118,50 € exkl. MwSt.
Günstigste Versandoption 4,99 €
Verfügbar - 3-5 Werktage Lieferzeit

Pedestal for/back 200x1200 PF2120 Product description: Description: Pedestal sections, for and back. For cable routing in accordance with VDE 0113 standard. The pedestal consists of four corner supports with removable front covers. PS side panels must be ordered separately. Manufactured in 100 mm and 200 mm heights. 200 mm high pedestals come with a back cover for cabling, consisting of two removable panels that are each 100 mm high. The front cover is a single panel that is 200 mm high. All panels are double-folded for extra strength.Material: Corner pieces made of galvanized steel (2mm), panels made of steel plate (1.5mm)Package size: One set includes four corner pieces including covers, one front panel and one back panel (two back panels for pedestals that are 200mm high) with mounting materials.Technical specifications: Color: GrayWidth:1200Type: Pedestal for/backHeight :200


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