Kleine Mitbringsel für Kinder - Toi-Toys Lightsaber Ninja Light and Sound - 12340Z
Waren-Nr.: 3193140

Toi-Toys Lightsaber Ninja Light and Sound

The toy lightsaber ninja is an impressive addition for all little ninjas. This lightsaber is 66 centimeters long and not only has a lifelike design, but also light and sound effects that stimulate the imagination of young adventurers. The lighting transforms the room into a thrilling battle scene, while the realistic sounds bring the action to life. The lightsaber ninja guarantees endless fun and stimulates the imagination of every child. Includes batteries.

21,98 € 18,47 € exkl. MwSt.
Günstigste Versandoption 2,99 €
Bestellware - 8-10 Tage Lieferzeit


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