Brit Care Dog Hypoallergenic Weight Loss Rabbit 3 kg
Brit 8595602559169 Hunde-Trockenfutter 12 kg Adult Kaninchen, Reis
Auf Lager
22,45 €
18,87 € exkl. MwSt.
Günstigste Versandoption 4,99 €
+15 Stk.
Auf Lager - 1-3 Werktage Lieferzeit
Hypoallergenic Formula Rabbit & Rice for Adult Dogs of All Breeds with Weight Problems. Complete dog food.
Superpremium hypoallergenic food with a singlesource of animal protein has been specially created for dogs with weight management problems. A low fat content in combination with high contentof dietic rabbit protein helps maintain optimal weight, while l-carnitine boosts metabolism and helps burn fat. Psyllium contributes to a greater feeling offullness and helps control hunger between meals. The formulas are enriched with probiotics forbalanced gut microflora and milk thistle, whichsupports liver function while cleansing the bodyand ridding it of harmful toxins.
Superpremium hypoallergenic food with a singlesource of animal protein has been specially created for dogs with weight management problems. A low fat content in combination with high contentof dietic rabbit protein helps maintain optimal weight, while l-carnitine boosts metabolism and helps burn fat. Psyllium contributes to a greater feeling offullness and helps control hunger between meals. The formulas are enriched with probiotics forbalanced gut microflora and milk thistle, whichsupports liver function while cleansing the bodyand ridding it of harmful toxins.
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