Haus & Garten - Einhell 3424132 scrub brush - 3424132
Waren-Nr.: 3326716

Einhell 3424132 scrub brush

Einhell 3424132 scrub brush Black

20,55 € 17,27 € exkl. MwSt.
Günstigste Versandoption 2,99 €
Bestellware - 7-9 Tage Lieferzeit

The Original Einhell brush MEDIUM 90/20 is a suitable accessory or spare part for the Einhell cordless surface brush PICOBELLA 18/90. The hard brush is universally applicable and ideal for wet cleaning of robust surfaces. The handy roller brush removes dirt, moss and greenery on, for example, garden furniture, fence posts, tiles, concrete or unpainted wood. The deposits and coverings are easily removed with the nylon brush. Thanks to the small working width, the dirt can be easily removed even in hard-to-reach places. This makes cleaning work in the garden, in the garage or even in the house a breeze.

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