PanzerGlass Screen Protector Samsung Galaxy Xcover Pro
Edge-to-Edge = A case-friendly fit that offers full screen coverage and is designed to work with most cases.
Scratch resistant = Protects your device from scratching caused by the hazards of everyday life.
Shock resistant = Keeps your device safe from your everyday fumbling, dropping and screen cracking.
Easy installation = So easy to install you can do it even if you’re all thumbs.
100% touch sensitivity = Feels like the original screen with 100% touch sensitivity.
Platinum strength - stronger = One of our strongest glasses for those devices that you just can’t live without.
Crystal-clear view = So clear that you might not even notice it's there, well, not until your device tumbles to the ground and your screen doesn't crack.
Fingerprint resistant = Repels oil and water, reducing traces of fingerprints as well as dirt, disinfectant gel and hand lotion.
Original screen protector = What’s the difference between the original PanzerGlass™ screen protector and other screen protectors? Try dropping your phone and you’ll find out.
Case friendly = Keeps your screen safe while still leaving room for a protective case.
Mit dem kratz- und stoßfesten Schutzglas von PanzerGlass™ ist das Display Deines Smartphone verlässlich vor Schäden geschützt, die bei Stürzen oder Stößen entstehen können.
Das Displayschutzglas von PanzerGlass™ kann schnell und einfach installiert werden. Danach kannst Du entspannt dem sicheren Schutz vertrauen, selbst wenn das Smartphone einmal auf harten Boden fällt.
Das Edge-to-Edge-Displayschutzglas deckt die gesamte Oberfläche Deines Displays ab, lässt aber genug Platz für eine Schutzhülle.
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