4Mount Wall mount for PS4 Controller - White - Miscellaneous Zubehör für Spielkonsole - Sony PlayStation 4
Wandhalterung für Dualshock 4 weiß
13,60 €
11,43 € exkl. MwSt.
Günstigste Versandoption 4,99 €
Verfügbar - 4-6 Werktage Lieferzeit
Wall mount for Dualshock 4,
mounting accessories included,
aluminum construction, powder coated in the color of the controller,
perfect fit to Your controller.
Width 7 cm, height 6 cm, depth 7 cm
mounting accessories included,
aluminum construction, powder coated in the color of the controller,
perfect fit to Your controller.
Width 7 cm, height 6 cm, depth 7 cm
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