The HSS cobalt spiral drill provides long-lasting performance when drilling in stainless steel. The extended lifespan is due to a 5% cobalt alloy content and fully ground HSS (high-speed steel), which provides outstanding surface quality, wear resistance, and heat protection. Equipped with two cutting edges and two flutes, chips are removed quickly, so the hammer drill lasts even longer. This hammer drill can be used for alloyed and unalloyed steel, stainless steel, cast iron, cast steel, acid- and heat-resistant steel. The HSS spiral drill made of steel is manufactured according to DIN 338. The drilling head is of type N (notch angle) with a 135-degree point angle and a diameter tolerance of h8. Active cutting and perfect centering without displacement are achieved thanks to the two-part tip. This drilling head can be used for alloyed and unalloyed steel, stainless steel, cast iron, cast steel as well as acid- and heat-resistant steels. It has a cylindrical shaft system (the shaft has the same diameter as the drilling head) intended for use in boring stands or screwdrivers.
Package with one piece.
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