Fotofilter - Freewell Filter ND16 to DJI Mini 4 Pro - FW-MN4-ND16
Waren-Nr.: 3326762

Freewell Filter ND16 to DJI Mini 4 Pro

Protect your camera lens and increase the quality of your shots with Freewell's proposal. The ND16 filter provides protection against scratches, water and dust and effectively reduces the amount of light coming through the lens. The product is made from high grade optical glass and aluminium alloy. It is distinguished by its light weight - you don't have to worry about stressing your device.

19,21 € 16,14 € exkl. MwSt.
Günstigste Versandoption 4,99 €
Bestellware - 6-8 Tage Lieferzeit

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