Anschlussausrüstung - Elpress Din 46235 al/cu cable lug sector akk70-10din-pr 70mm2 sm m10 - 3406-136000
Waren-Nr.: 2953629

Elpress Din 46235 al/cu cable lug sector akk70-10din-pr 70mm2 sm m10

DIN 46235 Sector-shaped Bi-metallic cable lug AKK70-10DIN-PRMaterial: Al DIN 40501 / E-Cu DIN 40500For 70mm2 stranded (class 2) and 95mm2 solid (class 1) Al-conductors acc. IEC 60228Palm M10KZ-no.: 22

34,90 € 29,33 € exkl. MwSt.
Günstigste Versandoption 4,99 €
Verfügbar - 2-4 Werktage Lieferzeit

DIN 46235 Al/Cu cable lug profile AKK70-10DIN-PR, 70mm2 SM M10 Product description: DIN 46235 Profile/Sector-shaped Bimetal cable lug AKK70-10DIN-PR Material: Al DIN 40501 / E-Cu DIN 40500 For up to 70mm2 stranded (class 2) and solid (class1) Al conductors according to IEC60228 Bolt M10 KZ number:22 Technical specifications: Package size:25 Screw:M10 Code number:22 Lenght :85


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